The animated series Garbage Boy and Trash Can is the first Cartoon Network superhero animated comedy series to be produced in Africa. The captivating series aims to educate children about environmental responsibility and recycling. It tells the story of Garbage Boy, a young superhero with the ability to turn trash into useful items, and his loyal companion, Trash Can. The show effectively spreads messages about sustainability and taking care of the environment through an entertaining approach, showcasing the impact of African animation in educating and motivating future generations.
Ridwan Moshood, the genius creator of this visionary series, is influenced by his personal history. Despite facing challenges from childhood bullies who used hurtful labels, he transcends their negativity. With this captivating animation, Moshood transforms his experience with bullying and shows that names cannot define a person’s genuine self or hinder their capabilities. In addition, he highlights the importance of individuals taking control of their life stories and sharing them with others.
“When I was a kid growing up in Nigeria, I used to be bullied by the other kids, so I created a superhero cartoon to help other kids deal with this problem….I then taught myself to animate watching Cartoon Network classics on TV and doing tutorials on YouTube. I never imagined in my wildest dreams that my show would eventually be produced. Take that, bullies!