Anthony Azekwoh, a Nigerian digital artist, is making waves in the art world with his captivating and thought-provoking creations. Starting out as a writer, Azekwoh has transitioned into a renowned digital artist, using his skills to narrate and paint the future.
As a self-taught artist, Azekwoh harnesses the power of Photoshop to manipulate pixels, creating stunning digital paintings that mirror the beauty and complexity of traditional canvas artworks. His work seamlessly blends ancient history with the present, blurring the lines between different timelines and creating a sense of simultaneous existence.
One of Azekwoh’s notable achievements includes designing cutting-edge album covers for famous African artists such as Adekunle Gold and Masego. His unique artistic style and ability to capture the essence of music through visual representation have garnered him international recognition.
In 2017, Azekwoh’s career took a meteoric rise when he sold his NFT (Non-Fungible Token) artwork titled “The Red Man.” This piece depicts a subject dressed in red with a red hat, surrounded by cigarette smoke and adorned with a glowing gold necklace. The artwork won the prestigious Awele Trust Prize, further solidifying Azekwoh’s position as a rising star in the art world.
Over the past four years, Azekwoh has become one of the most prominent digital artists in Africa. His work has reached audiences in countries he never imagined, showcasing the wealth of visual art emerging from Nigeria. Drawing inspiration from a diverse range of influences, including neoclassical painters like Jacque-Louis David and American illustrator Norman Rockwell, Azekwoh’s art is a fusion of different styles and techniques.
One of Azekwoh’s notable series features historical figures like Mansa Musa, the richest black man in history, and Stan Lee, the late creator of the Marvel universe. However, Azekwoh’s portrayal of these figures goes beyond the typical divine aura, delving into the depths of their humanity and capturing their emotions and struggles.
Azekwoh’s paintings are not just visually striking; they also invite viewers to create their own narratives and backstories for the characters depicted. Each artwork is like a window into an otherworldly house, with mystic contours of reality and stoic-yet-passionate gazes. It is evident that Azekwoh’s love for supernatural literature influences his characters, as they possess an otherworldly quality that captivates the imagination.
When asked if he writes about his paintings, Azekwoh admits that he doesn’t often intertwine his writing with his artwork. However, he reveals that a story titled “The Garden of Old Lagos” inspired one of his paintings, “Adam and Eve.” For Azekwoh, each creation exists in its own world, and he prefers not to mix them too much, allowing each medium to stand on its own.
Anthony Azekwoh’s journey from a writer to a celebrated digital artist showcases his immense talent and unique perspective. Through his captivating paintings, he narrates stories of the past, present, and future, inviting viewers to explore the depths of their own imagination. As his influence continues to grow, Azekwoh is undoubtedly leaving an indelible mark on the art world, both in Nigeria and beyond.